
Showing posts from April, 2019

The Girl Who Sits in the Car (repost from 2012)

This is a reprint of an old blog I wrote in 2012. This repost is for Crystal. A couple of years ago I traveled to Austin for a gig with my rock band,  Lovie . On the journey we stopped at a vintage store on I-35 called  Style Station . All four of us perused the vintage goods offered at this lovely little spot in the middle of nowhere. I ended up finding a kickass retro Brunswick bowling ball bag that ended up being my gig gear tote where I keep my stage cables, pedals and my spare microphone. I paid for my bag, walked out the front door and got into the car. I had no idea at the time that that simple act would end up being a touchstone for me for years to come when I was feeling shaky about making decisions. I don't even remember when she brought it up to me anymore, but my bandmate Rebecca later told me that when I left the store without everyone being finished shopping, she had a reaction. She told me that my simple action of just leaving made her go through a range of feeli